07 November 1746

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1746-1747
Volume: 3
Comments: Present The Duke, Princess Amelia, and Princess of Hesse (Account Books, Egerton 2268). Receipts: #161 3s

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p??cg The Rehearsal. As 6 Nov. *a??cg Duke and No Duke. *c??cg Present $The Duke=, $Princess Amelia=, and $Princess of Hesse= (Account Books, <i>Egerton 2268</i>). Receipts: #161 3s.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1746 11 07 cg The Rehearsal. ^As17461106^.*a1746 11 07 cg Duke and No Duke.*c1746 11 07 cg Present $The Duke=, $Princess Amelia=, and $Princess of Hesse= (Account Books, <i>Egerton 2268</i>). Receipts: #161 3s.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 23417 | 17461107 | cg | Present $The Duke=, $Princess Amelia=, and $Princess of Hesse= (Account Books, <i>Egerton 2268</i>). Receipts: #161 3s
    Performance: 46508 | 23417 | p | The Rehearsal | As17461106.
    AsSeeDate: 46508 | cg | p | As | 17461106
    348503 | 46508 | Bayes | Garrick
    348504 | 46508 | Johnson | Ryan
    348505 | 46508 | Smith | Cashell
    348506 | 46508 | Kings of Brentford | Arthur, Morgan
    348507 | 46508 | Prince Prettyman | Havard
    348508 | 46508 | Gentleman Usher | Hippisley
    348509 | 46508 | Prince Volscius | Gibson
    348510 | 46508 | Physician | Rosco
    348511 | 46508 | Drawcansir | Dunstall
    348512 | 46508 | General | Ridout
    348513 | 46508 | Tom Thimble | James
    348514 | 46508 | Thunder | Bridgwater
    348515 | 46508 | Lightning | Miss Morrison
    348516 | 46508 | Sun | Bencraft
    348517 | 46508 | Moon | Leveridge
    348518 | 46508 | Earth | Roberts
    348519 | 46508 | Amarillis | Miss Hippisley
    348520 | 46508 | Chloris | Mrs Bland
    348521 | 46508 | Pallas | Woodward
    348522 | 46508 | Two Sing song Dancing Spirits | Mrs Lampe, Miss Young
    348523 | 46508 | Serjeants at Arms | the rest of the comedians
    348524 | 46508 | With all the Music
    348525 | 46508 | Songs
    348526 | 46508 | Dances
    348527 | 46508 | Scenes
    348528 | 46508 | The vocal parts | Leveridge, Bencraft, Roberts, Mrs Lampe, Miss Young
    348529 | 46508 | Also an Additional Reinforcement of Mr Bayes's new | .
    Performance: 46509 | 23417 | a | Duke and No Duke




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