15 September 1746

Event Information
Theatre: New Wells, London Spa, Clerkenwell
Theatrical Season: 1746-1747
Volume: 3
Comments: At the New Wells, London Spaw, Clerkenwell. A Concert, etc. [Customary concert notice repeated in all announcements of plays at this house.] A new Pastoral never perform'd before. [Author unknown; not printed.] Benefit Miss Lincoln. Boxes 2s. 6d. Pit or Gallery 1s. 6d. 5 p.m

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p??nwc Strephon and Delia. *a??nwc As You Like It; or, Harlequin's Whim. Harlequin-Waters; Colombine-Miss Lincoln. *m??nwc <i>HHercules and Omphale</i>-. *c??nwc At the <i>New Wells</i>, <i>London Spaw</i>, <i>Clerkenwell</i>. A Concert, etc. [Customary concert notice repeated in all announcements of plays at this house.] A new Pastoral never perform'd before. [Author unknown; not printed.] Benefit $Miss Lincoln=. Boxes 2s. 6d. Pit or Gallery 1s. 6d. 5 p.m.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1746 09 15 nwc Strephon and Delia.*a1746 09 15 nwc As You Like It; or, Harlequin's Whim. Harlequin-Waters; Colombine-Miss Lincoln.*m1746 09 15 nwc <i>HHercules and Omphale</i>-.*c1746 09 15 nwc At the <i>New Wells</i>, <i>London Spaw</i>, <i>Clerkenwell</i>. A Concert, etc. [Customary concert notice repeated in all announcements of plays at this house.] A new Pastoral never perform'd before. [Author unknown; not printed.] Benefit $Miss Lincoln=. Boxes 2s. 6d. Pit or Gallery 1s. 6d. 5 p.m.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 23341 | 17460915 | nwc | At the <i>New Wells</i>, <i>London Spaw</i>, <i>Clerkenwell</i>. A Concert, etc. [Customary concert notice repeated in all announcements of plays at this house.] A new Pastoral never perform'd before. [Author unknown; not printed.] Benefit $Miss Lincoln=. Boxes 2s. 6d. Pit or Gallery 1s. 6d. 5 p.m
    Performance: 46335 | 23341 | p | Strephon And Delia
    Performance: 46336 | 23341 | a | As You Like It; or, Harlequin's Whim | Harlequin-Waters; Colombine-Miss Lincoln.
    74919 | 46336 | Harlequin | Waters
    74920 | 46336 | Colombine | Miss Lincoln.
    Performance: 46337 | 23341 | m | <i>HHercules and Omphale</i>-


None Listed


Harlequin-Waters; Colombine-Miss Lincoln.


Comment: HHercules and Omphale-

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