30 May 1700

Event Information
Theatre: Drury Lane Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1699-1700
Volume: 1
Comments: Rich's Company. Post Boy, 28-30 May 1700: This Day at the King's Play-house, will be Acted the Tempest, or the Enchanted Island, with some Additional Entertainments, at the Request of several Seafaring Men

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p>dl The Tempest; or, The Enchanted Island. *c>dl <i>Rich's Company</i>. <i>Post Boy</i>, 28-30 May 1700: This Day at the <i>King's Play-house</i>, will be Acted <i>the Tempest, or the Enchanted Island</i>, with some Additional Entertainments, at the Request of several Seafaring Men.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1700 05 30 dl The Tempest; or, The Enchanted Island.*c1700 05 30 dl <i>Rich's Company</i>. <i>Post Boy</i>, 28-30 May 1700: This Day at the <i>King's Play-house</i>, will be Acted <i>the Tempest, or the Enchanted Island</i>, with some Additional Entertainments, at the Request of several Seafaring Men.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 2334 | 17000530 | dl | <i>Rich's Company</i>. <i>Post Boy</i>, 28-30 May 1700: This Day at the <i>King's Play-house</i>, will be Acted <i>the Tempest, or the Enchanted Island</i>, with some Additional Entertainments, at the Request of several Seafaring Men
    Performance: 2350 | 2334 | p | The Tempest; Or, The Enchanted Island


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