08 May 1700

Event Information
Theatre: York Buildings
Theatrical Season: 1699-1700
Volume: 1
Comments: Post Man, No. 747, 4-7 May 1700: At the desire of several Ladies of Quality, To-morrow being Wednesday, (in the great Room in York Buildings) will be performed a new Mask set to Musick, with an extraordinary entertainment of other Vocal and Instrumental Musick for the Benefit of Mr Gouge [Mr George in Flying Post] and Miss Bradshaw. Prices 2s. 6d

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p>yb Concert. *c>yb <i>Post Man</i>, No. 747, 4-7 May 1700: At the desire of several Ladies of Quality, To-morrow being Wednesday, (in the great Room in <i>York Buildings</i>) will be performed a new Mask set to Musick, with an extraordinary entertainment of other Vocal and Instrumental Musick for the Benefit of $Mr Gouge= [$Mr George= in <i>Flying Post</i>] and $Miss Bradshaw=. Prices 2s. 6d.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1700 05 08 yb Concert.*c1700 05 08 yb <i>Post Man</i>, No. 747, 4-7 May 1700: At the desire of several Ladies of Quality, To-morrow being Wednesday, (in the great Room in <i>York Buildings</i>) will be performed a new Mask set to Musick, with an extraordinary entertainment of other Vocal and Instrumental Musick for the Benefit of $Mr Gouge= [$Mr George= in <i>Flying Post</i>] and $Miss Bradshaw=. Prices 2s. 6d.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 2330 | 17000508 | yb | <i>Post Man</i>, No. 747, 4-7 May 1700: At the desire of several Ladies of Quality, To-morrow being Wednesday, (in the great Room in <i>York Buildings</i>) will be performed a new Mask set to Musick, with an extraordinary entertainment of other Vocal and Instrumental Musick for the Benefit of $Mr Gouge= [$Mr George= in <i>Flying Post</i>] and $Miss Bradshaw=. Prices 2s. 6d
    Performance: 2346 | 2330 | p | Concert


Title: Concert
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