15 April 1746

Event Information
Theatre: King's Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1745-1746
Volume: 3
Comments: A New Opera. [Possibly a pasticcio by Lampugnani, possibly a revival of Rossane, previously revived 15 Nov. 1743, and see the discussion under that date.

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p??king's Alexander in India. *c??king's A New Opera. [Possibly a pasticcio by $Lampugnani=, possibly a revival of <i>Rossane</i>, previously revived 15 Nov. 1743, and see the discussion under that date.]
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1746 04 15 king's Alexander in India.*c1746 04 15 king's A New Opera. [Possibly a pasticcio by $Lampugnani=, possibly a revival of <i>Rossane</i>, previously revived 15 Nov. 1743, and see the discussion under that date.]
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 23246 | 17460415 | king's | A New Opera. [Possibly a pasticcio by $Lampugnani=, possibly a revival of <i>Rossane</i>, previously revived 15 Nov. 1743, and see the discussion under that date.
    Performance: 46097 | 23246 | p | Alexander In India


None Listed

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