19 March 1700

Event Information
Theatre: York Buildings
Theatrical Season: 1699-1700
Volume: 1
Comments: Post Boy, 16-19 March 1700: In York Buildings, this present Tuesday, being the 19th of this Instant March, will be perform'd a Consort of Vocal and Instrumental Musick, for the Benefit of Mr Edward Keene, beginning at the usual hour. Prices 2s. 6d. Those Persons that have already any of his Tickets dated the 20th are desired to take Notice that the Performance will be this day, and not as the Tickets are dated

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p=?yb Concert. *c=?yb <i>Post Boy</i>, 16-19 March 1700: In <i>York Buildings</i>, this present Tuesday, being the 19th of this Instant March, will be perform'd a Consort of Vocal and Instrumental Musick, for the Benefit of $Mr Edward Keene=, beginning at the usual hour. Prices 2s. 6d. Those Persons that have already any of his Tickets dated the 20th are desired to take Notice that the Performance will be this day, and not as the Tickets are dated.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1700 03 19 yb Concert.*c1700 03 19 yb <i>Post Boy</i>, 16-19 March 1700: In <i>York Buildings</i>, this present Tuesday, being the 19th of this Instant March, will be perform'd a Consort of Vocal and Instrumental Musick, for the Benefit of $Mr Edward Keene=, beginning at the usual hour. Prices 2s. 6d. Those Persons that have already any of his Tickets dated the 20th are desired to take Notice that the Performance will be this day, and not as the Tickets are dated.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 2319 | 17000319 | yb | <i>Post Boy</i>, 16-19 March 1700: In <i>York Buildings</i>, this present Tuesday, being the 19th of this Instant March, will be perform'd a Consort of Vocal and Instrumental Musick, for the Benefit of $Mr Edward Keene=, beginning at the usual hour. Prices 2s. 6d. Those Persons that have already any of his Tickets dated the 20th are desired to take Notice that the Performance will be this day, and not as the Tickets are dated
    Performance: 2335 | 2319 | p | Concert


Title: Concert
None Listed

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