29 November 1699

Event Information
Theatre: Dorset Garden Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1699-1700
Volume: 1
Comments: London Post, 24-27 Nov. 1699: [William Joy] being oblig'd to leave Town in order to pursue some other Method, can shew but twice, which will be God-willing on Wednesday and Friday next at the Theatre in Dorset Garden, beginning Precisely at 11 a Clock, being resolved to shew no more before he leaves the Town

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p=]dg Entertainments. *c=]dg <i>London Post</i>, 24-27 Nov. 1699: [$William Joy=] being oblig'd to leave Town in order to pursue some other Method, can shew but twice, which will be God-willing on Wednesday and Friday next at the Theatre in <i>Dorset Garden</i>, beginning Precisely at 11 a Clock, being resolved to shew no more before he leaves the Town.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1699 11 29 dg Entertainments.*c1699 11 29 dg <i>London Post</i>, 24-27 Nov. 1699: [$William Joy=] being oblig'd to leave Town in order to pursue some other Method, can shew but twice, which will be God-willing on Wednesday and Friday next at the Theatre in <i>Dorset Garden</i>, beginning Precisely at 11 a Clock, being resolved to shew no more before he leaves the Town.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 2273 | 16991129 | dg | <i>London Post</i>, 24-27 Nov. 1699: [$William Joy=] being oblig'd to leave Town in order to pursue some other Method, can shew but twice, which will be God-willing on Wednesday and Friday next at the Theatre in <i>Dorset Garden</i>, beginning Precisely at 11 a Clock, being resolved to shew no more before he leaves the Town
    Performance: 2289 | 2273 | p | Entertainments


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