20 March 1745

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1744-1745
Volume: 3
Comments: Set to music by Mr DeFesch. Both words and Music entirely new. Galleries open'd at four. Pit and boxes at five. [See Deutsch, Handel, p. 609.

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?Tcg Joseph. *c?Tcg Set to music by $Mr DeFesch=. Both words and Music entirely new. Galleries open'd at four. Pit and boxes at five. [See <i>Deutsch, Handel</i>, p. 609.]
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1745 03 20 cg Joseph.*c1745 03 20 cg Set to music by $Mr DeFesch=. Both words and Music entirely new. Galleries open'd at four. Pit and boxes at five. [See <i>Deutsch, Handel</i>, p. 609.]
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 22712 | 17450320 | cg | Set to music by $Mr DeFesch=. Both words and Music entirely new. Galleries open'd at four. Pit and boxes at five. [See <i>Deutsch, Handel</i>, p. 609.
    Performance: 44648 | 22712 | p | Joseph


Title: Joseph
None Listed

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