09 November 1699

Event Information
Theatre: Drury Lane Theatre or Lincoln's Inn Fields
Theatrical Season: 1699-1700
Volume: 1
Comments: Post Boy, No. 716, 7-9 Nov. 1699: We hear that Monsieur Nivelong, the Famous Grotesque Dancer, is lately arrived from Paris, and that he designs to appear shortly on one of our English Stages

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p=Idlorlif Comment. *c=Idlorlif <i>Post Boy</i>, No. 716, 7-9 Nov. 1699: We hear that $Monsieur Nivelong=, the Famous Grotesque Dancer, is lately arrived from <i>Paris</i>, and that he designs to appear shortly on one of our <i>English Stages</i>.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1699 11 09 dlorlif Comment.*c1699 11 09 dlorlif <i>Post Boy</i>, No. 716, 7-9 Nov. 1699: We hear that $Monsieur Nivelong=, the Famous Grotesque Dancer, is lately arrived from <i>Paris</i>, and that he designs to appear shortly on one of our <i>English Stages</i>.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 2265 | 16991109 | dlorlif | <i>Post Boy</i>, No. 716, 7-9 Nov. 1699: We hear that $Monsieur Nivelong=, the Famous Grotesque Dancer, is lately arrived from <i>Paris</i>, and that he designs to appear shortly on one of our <i>English Stages</i>

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