11 January 1745

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1744-1745
Volume: 3

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p? cg The Old Batchelor. As 7 Nov. 1744, but Araminta-Mrs Hale; Belinda-Mrs Clive; Betty-Mrs Bland. *a? cg Orpheus and Eurydice. As 7 Jan.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1745 01 11 cg The Old Batchelor. ^As17441107^, but Araminta-Mrs Hale; Belinda-Mrs Clive; Betty-Mrs Bland.*a1745 01 11 cg Orpheus and Eurydice. ^As17450107^.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 22532 | 17450111 | cg
    Performance: 44317 | 22532 | p | The Old Batchelor | As17441107, but Araminta-Mrs Hale; Belinda-Mrs Clive; Betty-Mrs Bland.
    AsSeeDate: 44317 | cg | p | As | 17441107
    71341 | 44317 | Araminta | Mrs Hale
    71342 | 44317 | Belinda | Mrs Clive
    71343 | 44317 | Betty | Mrs Bland.
    339932 | 44317 | Heartwell | Quin
    339933 | 44317 | Bellmour | Ryan
    339934 | 44317 | Sir Joseph | Woodward
    339935 | 44317 | Setter | Chapman
    339936 | 44317 | Sharper | Hale
    339937 | 44317 | Vainlove | Gibson
    339938 | 44317 | Noll Bluff | Rosco
    339939 | 44317 | Barnaby | Vaughan
    339940 | 44317 | Sylvia | Mrs Vincent
    339941 | 44317 | Lucy | Mrs Mullart
    339942 | 44317 | Fondlewife | Hippisley
    339943 | 44317 | Laetitia | Mrs Pritchard.
    Performance: 44318 | 22532 | a | Orpheus and Eurydice | As17450107.
    AsSeeDate: 44318 | cg | a | As | 17450107
    339944 | 44318 | Orpheus | Beard
    339945 | 44318 | Ascalax | Reinhold.
    339946 | 44318 | Pantaloon | Arthur
    339947 | 44318 | Rhodope | Mrs Clive
    339948 | 44318 | Eurydice | Mrs Lampe
    339949 | 44318 | Follower of Eurydice | Sga Campioni
    339950 | 44318 | Pluto | Leveridge
    339951 | 44318 | Demons | Picq, Villeneuve, Delagarde
    339952 | 44318 | Harlequin | Woodward
    339953 | 44318 | Colombine | Mrs Kilby
    339954 | 44318 | Squire | Bencraft
    339955 | 44318 | Mrs Mannerly | Mrs Martin
    339956 | 44318 | Goody Gurton | Marten
    339957 | 44318 | Drudge | Hippisley
    339958 | 44318 | Woman Dwarf | a French Boy
    339959 | 44318 | Country Lads | Villeneuve, Delagarde, Dupre, Destrade
    339960 | 44318 | Country Lasses | Mrs Duval, Mrs Delagarde, Mrs LeBrun, Mrs Ozane
    339961 | 44318 | Nymph | Cooke, Sga Campioni.


As17441107, but Araminta-Mrs Hale; Belinda-Mrs Clive; Betty-Mrs Bland.



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