06 February 1662

Event Information
Theatre: Whitehall or St. James's
Theatrical Season: 1661-1662
Volume: 1
Comments: According to L. C. 5@137, p. 100 (Boswell, Restoration Court Stage, p. 280), a play, unidentified, was given at court

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?atcourt Comment. *c?atcourt According to <i>L. C.</i> 5@137, p. 100 ($Boswell=, <i>Restoration Court Stage</i>, p. 280), a play, unidentified, was given <i>at court</i>.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1662 02 06 atcourt Comment.*c1662 02 06 atcourt According to <i>L. C.</i> 5@137, p. 100 ($Boswell=, <i>Restoration Court Stage</i>, p. 280), a play, unidentified, was given <i>at court</i>.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 224 | 16620206 | atcourt | According to <i>L. C.</i> 5@137, p. 100 ($Boswell=, <i>Restoration Court Stage</i>, p. 280), a play, unidentified, was given <i>at court</i>

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