29 June 1698

Event Information
Theatre: Lambeth Wells
Theatrical Season: 1697-1698
Volume: 1
Comments: Post Man, No 481, 25-28 June 1698: To Morrow being Wednesday the 29th in the great Room at Lambeth Wells, will be performed a Consort of new Vocal and Instrumental Musick, with some new Voices. The same Consort will be performed every Wednesday all this Season, to begin exactly at 5. Price of coming in but 1s

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p;=lw Concert. *c;=lw <i>Post Man</i>, No 481, 25-28 June 1698: To Morrow being Wednesday the 29th in the great Room at <i>Lambeth Wells</i>, will be performed a Consort of new Vocal and Instrumental Musick, with some new Voices. The same Consort will be performed every Wednesday all this Season, to begin exactly at 5. Price of coming in but 1s.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1698 06 29 lw Concert.*c1698 06 29 lw <i>Post Man</i>, No 481, 25-28 June 1698: To Morrow being Wednesday the 29th in the great Room at <i>Lambeth Wells</i>, will be performed a Consort of new Vocal and Instrumental Musick, with some new Voices. The same Consort will be performed every Wednesday all this Season, to begin exactly at 5. Price of coming in but 1s.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 2199 | 16980629 | lw | <i>Post Man</i>, No 481, 25-28 June 1698: To Morrow being Wednesday the 29th in the great Room at <i>Lambeth Wells</i>, will be performed a Consort of new Vocal and Instrumental Musick, with some new Voices. The same Consort will be performed every Wednesday all this Season, to begin exactly at 5. Price of coming in but 1s
    Performance: 2215 | 2199 | p | Concert


Title: Concert
None Listed

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