27 April 1742

Event Information
Theatre: Goodman's Fields
Theatrical Season: 1741-1742
Volume: 3
Comments: Benefit Ed. Giffard, numberer and Box Bookkeeper. Tickets deliver'd out Mrs E. Giffard will be taken

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?gf The Way of the World. As 27 Jan., but John-_; Betty-_; Peg-_; Foible-Mrs Dunstall. *a?gf The Lying Valet. As 19 April. *d?gf IV: <i>Welsh Buffoons</i>-two Masters Granier. *c?gf Benefit $Ed. Giffard=, numberer and Box Bookkeeper. Tickets deliver'd out $Mrs E. Giffard= will be taken.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1742 04 27 gf The Way of the World. ^As17420127^, but John-_; Betty-_; Peg-_; Foible-Mrs Dunstall.*a1742 04 27 gf The Lying Valet. ^As17420419^.*d1742 04 27 gf IV: <i>Welsh Buffoons</i>-two Masters Granier.*c1742 04 27 gf Benefit $Ed. Giffard=, numberer and Box Bookkeeper. Tickets deliver'd out $Mrs E. Giffard= will be taken.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 21252 | 17420427 | gf | Benefit $Ed. Giffard=, numberer and Box Bookkeeper. Tickets deliver'd out $Mrs E. Giffard= will be taken
    Performance: 41319 | 21252 | p | The Way Of The World | As17420127, but John-_; Betty-_; Peg-_; Foible-Mrs Dunstall.
    AsSeeDate: 41319 | gf | p | As | 17420127
    65604 | 41319 | Foible | Mrs Dunstall.
    327302 | 41319 | Sir Wilful | Dunstall
    327303 | 41319 | Mirabel | Giffard
    327304 | 41319 | Fainall | W. Giffard
    327305 | 41319 | Witwoud | Garrick
    327306 | 41319 | Petulant | Yates
    327307 | 41319 | Waitwell | Peterson
    327308 | 41319 | John | Vaughan
    327309 | 41319 | Millamant | Mrs Giffard
    327310 | 41319 | Mrs Fainall | Mrs Bambridge
    327311 | 41319 | Mrs Marwood | Mrs Yates
    327312 | 41319 | Lady Wishfort | Mrs Bishop
    327313 | 41319 | Mincing | Miss E. Hippisley
    327314 | 41319 | Betty | Miss Medina
    327315 | 41319 | Peg | Mrs Vallois.
    Performance: 41320 | 21252 | a | The Lying Valet | As17420419.
    AsSeeDate: 41320 | gf | a | As | 17420419
    327316 | 41320 | 7420401 but Valet | Yates
    327317 | 41320 | Kitty | Miss E. Hippisley.
    Performance: 41321 | 21252 | d | IV: <i>Welsh Buffoons</i>-two Masters Granier


As17420127, but John-_; Betty-_; Peg-_; Foible-Mrs Dunstall.




Comment: IV: Welsh Buffoons-two Masters Granier

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