25 February 1741

Event Information
Theatre: Goodman's Fields
Theatrical Season: 1740-1741
Volume: 3
Comments: DDaily Advertiser, 26 Feb.: We are inform'd that last Night a new Entertainment, call'd Harlequin Student...was rehears'd at the late Theatre in Goodman's Fields, when several Persons who were present generally concurr'd in Opinion it had the Preference of any yet perform'd there, and more particularly that Part of it in which the Monument of Shakespear is introduc'd

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p{9gf Comment. *c{9gf <i>DDaily Advertiser</i>, 26 Feb.: We are inform'd that last Night a new Entertainment, call'd <i>Harlequin Student</i>...was rehears'd at the late Theatre in <i>Goodman's Fields</i>, when several Persons who were present generally concurr'd in Opinion it had the Preference of any yet perform'd there, and more particularly that Part of it in which the Monument of $Shakespear= is introduc'd.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1741 02 25 gf Comment.*c1741 02 25 gf <i>DDaily Advertiser</i>, 26 Feb.: We are inform'd that last Night a new Entertainment, call'd <i>Harlequin Student</i>...was rehears'd at the late Theatre in <i>Goodman's Fields</i>, when several Persons who were present generally concurr'd in Opinion it had the Preference of any yet perform'd there, and more particularly that Part of it in which the Monument of $Shakespear= is introduc'd.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 20504 | 17410225 | gf | <i>DDaily Advertiser</i>, 26 Feb.: We are inform'd that last Night a new Entertainment, call'd <i>Harlequin Student</i>...was rehears'd at the late Theatre in <i>Goodman's Fields</i>, when several Persons who were present generally concurr'd in Opinion it had the Preference of any yet perform'd there, and more particularly that Part of it in which the Monument of $Shakespear= is introduc'd

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