07 December 1739

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1739-1740
Volume: 3

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *pygcg Rule a Wife and Have a Wife. As 10 Sept., but Sanchio-Arthur; Alonzo-A. Ryan; Old Woman-Hippisley; Lorenzo-_. *aygcg Perseus and Andromeda. As 4 Dec. *bygcg <i>GGrand Dance in Momus</i>. As 4 Dec.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1739 12 07 cg Rule a Wife and Have a Wife. ^As17390910^, but Sanchio-Arthur; Alonzo-A. Ryan; Old Woman-Hippisley; Lorenzo-_.*a1739 12 07 cg Perseus and Andromeda. ^As17391204^.*b1739 12 07 cg <i>GGrand Dance in Momus</i>. ^As17391204^.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 19794 | 17391207 | cg
    Performance: 37625 | 19794 | p | Rule A Wife And Have A Wife | As17390910, but Sanchio-Arthur; Alonzo-A. Ryan; Old Woman-Hippisley; Lorenzo-_.
    AsSeeDate: 37625 | cg | p | As | 17390910
    58906 | 37625 | Sanchio | Arthur
    58907 | 37625 | Alonzo | A. Ryan
    58908 | 37625 | Old Woman | Hippisley
    309981 | 37625 | Leon | Delane
    309982 | 37625 | Captain | Ryan
    309983 | 37625 | Cacafogo | Mullart
    309984 | 37625 | Margaretta | Mrs Ware
    309985 | 37625 | Duke | Bridgwater
    309986 | 37625 | Juan | Hale
    309987 | 37625 | Lorenzo | Arthur
    309988 | 37625 | Altea | Mrs Mullart
    309989 | 37625 | Clara | Mrs Horsington
    309990 | 37625 | Visiting Ladies | Mrs Martin, Miss Dancey, Miss Brunette
    309991 | 37625 | Estifania | Mrs Horton.
    Performance: 37626 | 19794 | a | Perseus and Andromeda | As17391204.
    AsSeeDate: 37626 | cg | a | As | 17391204
    309992 | 37626 | Perseus | Rochetti
    309993 | 37626 | Cepheus | Leveridge
    309994 | 37626 | Ethiopian | Thompson
    309995 | 37626 | Cassiope | Mrs Wright
    309996 | 37626 | Andromache | Mrs Chambers
    309997 | 37626 | Mercury | Laguerre
    309998 | 37626 | Amazons | Mrs James, Miss Oates, Mlle Ozanne, Mrs Rogers, Mrs LeBrun, Miss Dancey, Mrs Villeneuve
    309999 | 37626 | Infernals | Leveridge, Villeneuve, Dupre, Richardson, Delagarde, Desse, Fromont
    310000 | 37626 | Hussar | Bencraft
    310001 | 37626 | Harlequin | Lun
    310002 | 37626 | Colombine | Mrs Kilby
    310003 | 37626 | Hussar's Servant | Hippisley
    310004 | 37626 | Valet | James
    310005 | 37626 | Petit Maitre | Poitier.
    Performance: 37627 | 19794 | b | <i>GGrand Dance in Momus</i> | As17391204.
    AsSeeDate: 37627 | cg | b | As | 17391204
    310006 | 37627 | Fawns | Richardson, Dupre, Desse, Delagarde
    310007 | 37627 | <i>Country Lasses</i> | Mrs Rogers, Mrs LeBrun, Mrs Villeneuve, Mrs Ozanne
    310008 | 37627 | and <i>Sailor's Dance</i> | Villeneuve, Miss Oates.


As17390910, but Sanchio-Arthur; Alonzo-A. Ryan; Old Woman-Hippisley; Lorenzo-_.




Comment: GGrand Dance in Momus. As17391204

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