05 November 1739

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1739-1740
Volume: 3
Comments: At the particular Desire of several Persons of Quality

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *pyEcg Tamerlane. Tamerlane-Johnson; Bajazet-Delane; Moneses-Ryan; Axalla-Hallam; Omar-Rosco; Dervise-Roberts; Selima-Mrs Vincent; Arpasia-Mrs Horton; [With the% Usual Prologue-Cibber. *ayEcg The Rape of Proserpine. As 26 Oct. *cyEcg At the particular Desire of several Persons of Quality.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1739 11 05 cg Tamerlane. Tamerlane-Johnson; Bajazet-Delane; Moneses-Ryan; Axalla-Hallam; Omar-Rosco; Dervise-Roberts; Selima-Mrs Vincent; Arpasia-Mrs Horton; With the Usual Prologue-Cibber.*a1739 11 05 cg The Rape of Proserpine. ^As17391026^.*c1739 11 05 cg At the particular Desire of several Persons of Quality.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 19734 | 17391105 | cg | At the particular Desire of several Persons of Quality
    Performance: 37466 | 19734 | p | Tamerlane | Tamerlane-Johnson; Bajazet-Delane; Moneses-Ryan; Axalla-Hallam; Omar-Rosco; Dervise-Roberts; Selima-Mrs Vincent; Arpasia-Mrs Horton; With the Usual Prologue-Cibber.
    58543 | 37466 | Tamerlane | Johnson
    58544 | 37466 | Bajazet | Delane
    58545 | 37466 | Moneses | Ryan
    58546 | 37466 | Axalla | Hallam
    58547 | 37466 | Omar | Rosco
    58548 | 37466 | Dervise | Roberts
    58549 | 37466 | Selima | Mrs Vincent
    58550 | 37466 | Arpasia | Mrs Horton
    58551 | 37466 | With the Usual Prologue | Cibber.
    Performance: 37467 | 19734 | a | The Rape of Proserpine | As17391026.
    AsSeeDate: 37467 | cg | a | As | 17391026
    309271 | 37467 | Pluto | Leveridge
    309272 | 37467 | Ceres | Mrs Wright
    309273 | 37467 | Proserpine | Mrs Chambers
    309274 | 37467 | Jupiter | Roberts
    309275 | 37467 | Mercury | Laguerre
    309276 | 37467 | 1st Sylvan | Mlle Anne Roland
    309277 | 37467 | Harlqeuin | Lun
    309278 | 37467 | Yeoman | Bencraft
    309279 | 37467 | Clodpole | Hippisley
    309280 | 37467 | Old Man | Smith
    309281 | 37467 | Old Woman | Miss Rogers
    309282 | 37467 | Colombine | Mrs Kilby.


Tamerlane-Johnson; Bajazet-Delane; Moneses-Ryan; Axalla-Hallam; Omar-Rosco; Dervise-Roberts; Selima-Mrs Vincent; Arpasia-Mrs Horton; With the Usual Prologue-Cibber.



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