14 June 1694

Event Information
Theatre: Bedford Gate, Charles Street
Theatrical Season: 1693-1694
Volume: 1
Comments: London Gazette, No 2982, 7-11 June 1694: On Thursday next will be a new Consort of Musick in Charles-street, Covent Garden; where a Gentlewoman that Sings that hath one of the best Voices in England, not before heard in publick, to be continued every Thursday for a Month

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p5.bg Concert. *c5.bg <i>London Gazette</i>, No 2982, 7-11 June 1694: On Thursday next will be a new Consort of Musick in <i>Charles-street</i>, <i>Covent Garden</i>; where a Gentlewoman that Sings that hath one of the best Voices in <i>England</i>, not before heard in publick, to be continued every Thursday for a Month.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1694 06 14 bg Concert.*c1694 06 14 bg <i>London Gazette</i>, No 2982, 7-11 June 1694: On Thursday next will be a new Consort of Musick in <i>Charles-street</i>, <i>Covent Garden</i>; where a Gentlewoman that Sings that hath one of the best Voices in <i>England</i>, not before heard in publick, to be continued every Thursday for a Month.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 1939 | 16940614 | bg | <i>London Gazette</i>, No 2982, 7-11 June 1694: On Thursday next will be a new Consort of Musick in <i>Charles-street</i>, <i>Covent Garden</i>; where a Gentlewoman that Sings that hath one of the best Voices in <i>England</i>, not before heard in publick, to be continued every Thursday for a Month
    Performance: 1944 | 1939 | p | Concert


Title: Concert
None Listed

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