10 November 1738

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1738-1739
Volume: 3
Comments: DDaily Advertiser, 10 Nov.: Two of the French Strollers having desir'd Leave of the Town to act three Nights at one of the Patent Theatres, the Master of that House is desir'd to consider, whether if he lends it to those Foreigners, he can ever hope to have it fill'd with an English Audience, who probably will chastise the Abuse of Power in an ungrateful Patentee, as they did the Want of it in a French Harlequin

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *pw?cg Mithridates, King of Pontus. As 9 Nov. *aw?cg The Royal Chace. As 30 Oct. *cw?cg <i>DDaily Advertiser</i>, 10 Nov.: Two of the <i>French Strollers</i> having desir'd Leave of the Town to act three Nights at one of the Patent Theatres, the Master of that House is desir'd to consider, whether if he lends it to those Foreigners, he can ever hope to have it fill'd with an English Audience, who probably will chastise the Abuse of Power in an ungrateful Patentee, as they did the Want of it in a French Harlequin.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1738 11 10 cg Mithridates, King of Pontus. ^As17381109^.*a1738 11 10 cg The Royal Chace. ^As17381030^.*c1738 11 10 cg <i>DDaily Advertiser</i>, 10 Nov.: Two of the <i>French Strollers</i> having desir'd Leave of the Town to act three Nights at one of the Patent Theatres, the Master of that House is desir'd to consider, whether if he lends it to those Foreigners, he can ever hope to have it fill'd with an English Audience, who probably will chastise the Abuse of Power in an ungrateful Patentee, as they did the Want of it in a French Harlequin.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 19302 | 17381110 | cg | <i>DDaily Advertiser</i>, 10 Nov.: Two of the <i>French Strollers</i> having desir'd Leave of the Town to act three Nights at one of the Patent Theatres, the Master of that House is desir'd to consider, whether if he lends it to those Foreigners, he can ever hope to have it fill'd with an English Audience, who probably will chastise the Abuse of Power in an ungrateful Patentee, as they did the Want of it in a French Harlequin
    Performance: 36334 | 19302 | p | Mithridates, King Of Pontus | As17381109.
    AsSeeDate: 36334 | cg | p | As | 17381109
    303122 | 36334 | Mithridates | Ryan
    303123 | 36334 | Ziphares | Delane
    303124 | 36334 | Pharnaces | Hale
    303125 | 36334 | Archelaus | Bridgwater
    303126 | 36334 | Pelopidas | Stephens
    303127 | 36334 | Adravar | Rosco
    303128 | 36334 | Aquilius | Hill
    303129 | 36334 | Monimia | Mrs Ware
    303130 | 36334 | Semandra | Mrs Horton.
    Performance: 36335 | 19302 | a | The Royal Chace | As17381030.
    AsSeeDate: 36335 | cg | a | As | 17381030
    303131 | 36335 | Pluto | Villeneuve
    303132 | 36335 | Neptune | Dupre
    303133 | 36335 | Pan | Richardson
    303134 | 36335 | Hercules | Desse
    303135 | 36335 | Apollo | Glover
    303136 | 36335 | Mars | Haughton
    303137 | 36335 | Country Lads | Dupre, Bencraft, Richardson
    303138 | 36335 | Country Lasses | Mrs Bullock, Miss Dancey, Mrs LeBrun.
    303139 | 36335 | Pierot | Lalauze
    303140 | 36335 | Endymion | Salway
    303141 | 36335 | Chasseurs | Vincent
    303142 | 36335 | Nymphs | Miss Brunette, Miss Rogers
    303143 | 36335 | Diana | Mrs Vincent
    303144 | 36335 | Merlin | Leveridge
    303145 | 36335 | Cupid | Glover
    303146 | 36335 | Graces | Mrs Bullock, Miss Oates, Mrs LeBrun
    303147 | 36335 | Hour | Miss Cantrell
    303148 | 36335 | Zephyrs | Villeneuve, Desse, Richardson, DuPre
    303149 | 36335 | Psyche | Mlle Roland
    303150 | 36335 | Jupiter | Lun
    303151 | 36335 | Mercury | Laguerre
    303152 | 36335 | Doctor | Penkethman
    303153 | 36335 | Doctor's Wife | Mrs Kilby. With Scenes representing the exact Views of <i>The Hermitage</i> and <i>Merlin's Cave</i>, as taken from the <i>Royal Gardens at Richmond</i>.





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