February 1694

Event Information
Theatre: Drury Lane Theatre or Dorset Garden Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1693-1694
Volume: 1
Comments: The United Company. It seems likely that this play was revived in the late winter of 1693-94, for several songs for it are in Thesaurus Musicus, 1695 (licensed 16 March 1693@4; Stationers' Register, 29 Sept. 1694): A song in the fourth act, Tormenting passion leave my breast, set by John Eccles, and sung by Mrs Hudson. A song in the fifth act, set by John Eccles and sung by Mrs Burr. Mr Doggett's Serenade in the fifth act, Then beautious nymph look from above, set by John Eccles

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p4?dlordg The Lancashire Witches. *c4?dlordg The <i>United Company</i>. It seems likely that this play was revived in the late winter of 1693-94, for several songs for it are in <i>Thesaurus Musicus</i>, 1695 (licensed 16 March 1693@4; <i>Stationers' Register</i>, 29 Sept. 1694): A song in the fourth act, <i>Tormenting passion leave my breast</i>, set by $John Eccles=, and sung by $Mrs Hudson=. A song in the fifth act, set by John Eccles and sung by $Mrs Burr=. $Mr Doggett='s Serenade in the fifth act, <i>Then beautious nymph look from above</i>, set by John Eccles.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1694 02 00 dlordg The Lancashire Witches.*c1694 02 00 dlordg The <i>United Company</i>. It seems likely that this play was revived in the late winter of 1693-94, for several songs for it are in <i>Thesaurus Musicus</i>, 1695 (licensed 16 March 1693@4; <i>Stationers' Register</i>, 29 Sept. 1694): A song in the fourth act, <i>Tormenting passion leave my breast</i>, set by $John Eccles=, and sung by $Mrs Hudson=. A song in the fifth act, set by John Eccles and sung by $Mrs Burr=. $Mr Doggett='s Serenade in the fifth act, <i>Then beautious nymph look from above</i>, set by John Eccles.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 1918 | 16940200 | dlordg | The <i>United Company</i>. It seems likely that this play was revived in the late winter of 1693-94, for several songs for it are in <i>Thesaurus Musicus</i>, 1695 (licensed 16 March 1693@4; <i>Stationers' Register</i>, 29 Sept. 1694): A song in the fourth act, <i>Tormenting passion leave my breast</i>, set by $John Eccles=, and sung by $Mrs Hudson=. A song in the fifth act, set by John Eccles and sung by $Mrs Burr=. $Mr Doggett='s Serenade in the fifth act, <i>Then beautious nymph look from above</i>, set by John Eccles
    Performance: 1923 | 1918 | p | The Lancashire Witches


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