10 January 1693

Event Information
Theatre: Bedford Gate, Charles Street
Theatrical Season: 1692-1693
Volume: 1
Comments: London Gazette, No. 2834, 3-5 Jan. 1692@3: The Italian lady (that is lately come over that is so famous for her singing) [though it] has been reported that she will sing no more in the consort at York-buildings; this is to give notice, that next Tuesday, being the 10th instant, she will sing at the Consort in York Buildings, and so continue during this season

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p3yb Concert. *c3yb <i>London Gazette</i>, No. 2834, 3-5 Jan. 1692@3: The <i>Italian lady</i> (that is lately come over that is so famous for her singing) [though it] has been reported that she will sing no more in the consort at <i>York-buildings</i>; this is to give notice, that next Tuesday, being the 10th instant, she will sing at the Consort in York Buildings, and so continue during this season.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1693 01 10 bg Concert.*c1693 01 10 bg <i>London Gazette</i>, No. 2834, 3-5 Jan. 1692@3: The <i>Italian lady</i> (that is lately come over that is so famous for her singing) [though it] has been reported that she will sing no more in the consort at <i>York-buildings</i>; this is to give notice, that next Tuesday, being the 10th instant, she will sing at the Consort in York Buildings, and so continue during this season.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 1872 | 16930110 | bg | <i>London Gazette</i>, No. 2834, 3-5 Jan. 1692@3: The <i>Italian lady</i> (that is lately come over that is so famous for her singing) [though it] has been reported that she will sing no more in the consort at <i>York-buildings</i>; this is to give notice, that next Tuesday, being the 10th instant, she will sing at the Consort in York Buildings, and so continue during this season
    Performance: 1877 | 1872 | p | Concert


Title: Concert
None Listed

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