31 January 1737

Event Information
Theatre: York Buildings
Theatrical Season: 1736-1737
Volume: 3
Comments: DDaily Advertiser, 27 Jan.: We are inform'd there is now in Rehearsal at York Buildings (for one Night only) the Fair Penitent, to be acted the 31st instant. 'Tis said that this Play, for the Benefit of an unhappy Person, is cast, and got up by a Set of publick spirited Friends, some of whom have a pretty good Taste and Ability, though no ways inclin'd to the Stage; with a new Prologue and Epilogue adapted to the occasion

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *puyb The Fair Penitent. *cuyb <i>DDaily Advertiser</i>, 27 Jan.: We are inform'd there is now in Rehearsal at <i>York Buildings</i> (for one Night only) <i>the Fair Penitent</i>, to be acted the 31st instant. 'Tis said that this Play, for the Benefit of an unhappy Person, is cast, and got up by a Set of publick spirited Friends, some of whom have a pretty good Taste and Ability, though no ways inclin'd to the Stage; with a new Prologue and Epilogue adapted to the occasion.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1737 01 31 yb The Fair Penitent.*c1737 01 31 yb <i>DDaily Advertiser</i>, 27 Jan.: We are inform'd there is now in Rehearsal at <i>York Buildings</i> (for one Night only) <i>the Fair Penitent</i>, to be acted the 31st instant. 'Tis said that this Play, for the Benefit of an unhappy Person, is cast, and got up by a Set of publick spirited Friends, some of whom have a pretty good Taste and Ability, though no ways inclin'd to the Stage; with a new Prologue and Epilogue adapted to the occasion.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 18474 | 17370131 | yb | <i>DDaily Advertiser</i>, 27 Jan.: We are inform'd there is now in Rehearsal at <i>York Buildings</i> (for one Night only) <i>the Fair Penitent</i>, to be acted the 31st instant. 'Tis said that this Play, for the Benefit of an unhappy Person, is cast, and got up by a Set of publick spirited Friends, some of whom have a pretty good Taste and Ability, though no ways inclin'd to the Stage; with a new Prologue and Epilogue adapted to the occasion
    Performance: 34362 | 18474 | p | The Fair Penitent


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