22 January 1737

Event Information
Theatre: Lincoln's Inn Fields
Theatrical Season: 1736-1737
Volume: 3
Comments: DDaily Advertiser, 24 Jan.: We hear that the new grand Pantomime Entertainment, design'd to be perform'd in a few Days at [lif], was practis'd there on Saturday last before a great many People of Quality and Distinction, who gave particular Marks of their Approbation to every Change, and were highly pleas'd with the Musick, compos'd b Mr Jones

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *pulif Comment. *culif <i>DDaily Advertiser</i>, 24 Jan.: We hear that the new grand <i>Pantomime Entertainment</i>, design'd to be perform'd in a few Days at [<i>lif</i>], was practis'd there on Saturday last before a great many People of Quality and Distinction, who gave particular Marks of their Approbation to every Change, and were highly pleas'd with the Musick, compos'd b $Mr Jones=.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1737 01 22 lif Comment.*c1737 01 22 lif <i>DDaily Advertiser</i>, 24 Jan.: We hear that the new grand <i>Pantomime Entertainment</i>, design'd to be perform'd in a few Days at [<i>lif</i>], was practis'd there on Saturday last before a great many People of Quality and Distinction, who gave particular Marks of their Approbation to every Change, and were highly pleas'd with the Musick, compos'd b $Mr Jones=.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 18455 | 17370122 | lif | <i>DDaily Advertiser</i>, 24 Jan.: We hear that the new grand <i>Pantomime Entertainment</i>, design'd to be perform'd in a few Days at [<i>lif</i>], was practis'd there on Saturday last before a great many People of Quality and Distinction, who gave particular Marks of their Approbation to every Change, and were highly pleas'd with the Musick, compos'd b $Mr Jones=

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