15 May 1736

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1735-1736
Volume: 3
Comments: See a letter by Benjamin Victor to Matthew Debourg, in Victor, original Letters . . . (1776), I, I4ff which Deutsch, Handel, p. 409, thinks should be dated ca. 15 May 1736. Ricb's Register: Duke and Princesses present

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: OCR from HathiTrust PDFs

    *p1736 5 15 cg Atalanta. Cast not listed, but see 12 May. comment. See a letter by Benjamin Victor to Matthew Debourg, in Victor, original Letters . . . (1776), I, I4ff which Deutsch, Handel, p. 409, thinks should be dated ca. 15 May 1736. Ricb's Register: Duke and Princesses present.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1736 05 15 cg Atalanta. Cast not listed, but ^see17360512^ .hathi.*c1736 05 15 cg See a letter by Benjamin Victor to Matthew Debourg, in Victor, original Letters . . . (1776), I, I4ff which Deutsch, Handel, p. 409, thinks should be dated ca. 15 May 1736. Ricb's Register: Duke and Princesses present .hathi.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 18069 | 17360515 | cg | hathi | See a letter by Benjamin Victor to Matthew Debourg, in Victor, original Letters . . . (1776), I, I4ff which Deutsch, Handel, p. 409, thinks should be dated ca. 15 May 1736. Ricb's Register: Duke and Princesses present
    Performance: 33443 | 18069 | p | Atalanta | Cast not listed, but see17360512 .


Cast not listed, but see17360512 .
None Listed

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