05 May 1736

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1735-1736
Volume: 3
Comments: London Daily Post and General Advertiser, 6 May: Last Night the Opera of Ariodante was performed [at CG], in which Signior Gieacchino Conti Ghizziello made his first Appearance, and met with an uncommon Reception

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: OCR from HathiTrust PDFs

    *p1736 5 5 cg Ariodante. Cast not listed, but Conti sang Ariodante. commENT. London Daily Post and General Advertiser, 6 May: Last Night the Opera of Ariodante was performed [at CG], in which Signior Gieacchino Conti Ghizziello made his first Appearance, and met with an uncommon Reception.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1736 05 05 cg Ariodante. Cast not listed, but Conti sang Ariodante .hathi.*c1736 05 05 cg London Daily Post and General Advertiser, 6 May: Last Night the Opera of Ariodante was performed [at CG], in which Signior Gieacchino Conti Ghizziello made his first Appearance, and met with an uncommon Reception .hathi.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 18034 | 17360505 | cg | hathi | London Daily Post and General Advertiser, 6 May: Last Night the Opera of Ariodante was performed [at CG], in which Signior Gieacchino Conti Ghizziello made his first Appearance, and met with an uncommon Reception
    Performance: 33353 | 18034 | p | Ariodante | Cast not listed, but Conti sang Ariodante .


Cast not listed, but Conti sang Ariodante .
None Listed

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