30 April 1736

Event Information
Theatre: Covent Garden
Theatrical Season: 1735-1736
Volume: 3
Comments: Benefit Stoppelaer. Tickets at his Lodgings, Star and Anchor, Tavistock Street, CG. Receipts: money #19 13s. 6d.; tickets #108 2s

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  • Original Data

    Source: OCR from HathiTrust PDFs

    *p1736 4 30 cg The Orphan. As 8 Nov. 1735, but Polydore-Stoppelaer. Also Damon and Phillida. Damon-Stoppelaer; Phillida-Miss Norsa; Cymon-M. Stoppelaer; Mopsus-Mullart; Cordyon-James; Arcas-Aston; Aegeon-Houghton. DANCING. II: Tambourine by Miss Rogers. III: Ballet, as 17 April. IV: Sailors (from Orestes) by Glover, &c. V: Hornpipe by Ferguson. singing. By Leveridge. comment. Benefit Stoppelaer. Tickets at his Lodgings, Star and Anchor, Tavistock Street, CG. Receipts: money ?19 13s. 6d.; tickets ?108 2s.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1736 04 30 cg The Orphan. ^As17351108^, but Polydore-Stoppelaer .hathi.*a1736 04 30 cg Damon and Phillida. Damon-Stoppelaer; Phillida-Miss Norsa; Cymon-M. Stoppelaer; Mopsus-Mullart; Cordyon-James; Arcas-Aston; Aegeon-Houghton .hathi.*d1736 04 30 cg II: Tambourine by Miss Rogers. III: Ballet, ^as17360417^ IV: Sailors (from Orestes) by Glover, &c. V: Hornpipe by Ferguson .hathi.*s1736 04 30 cg By Leveridge .hathi.*c1736 04 30 cg Benefit Stoppelaer. Tickets at his Lodgings, Star and Anchor, Tavistock Street, CG. Receipts: money #19 13s. 6d.; tickets #108 2s .hathi.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 18017 | 17360430 | cg | hathi | Benefit Stoppelaer. Tickets at his Lodgings, Star and Anchor, Tavistock Street, CG. Receipts: money #19 13s. 6d.; tickets #108 2s
    Performance: 33305 | 18017 | p | The Orphan | As17351108, but Polydore-Stoppelaer .
    AsSeeDate: 33305 | cg | p | As | 17351108
    50087 | 33305 | Polydore | Stoppelaer
    290980 | 33305 | Orphan | Mrs Horton
    290981 | 33305 | Acasto | Stephens
    290982 | 33305 | Castalio | Ryan
    290983 | 33305 | Chamont | Delane
    290984 | 33305 | Chaplain | Chapman
    290985 | 33305 | Ernesto | Paget
    290986 | 33305 | Serena | Miss Bincks
    290987 | 33305 | Florella | Mrs Stevens
    Performance: 33306 | 18017 | a | Damon and Phillida | Damon-Stoppelaer; Phillida-Miss Norsa; Cymon-M. Stoppelaer; Mopsus-Mullart; Cordyon-James; Arcas-Aston; Aegeon-Houghton .
    50088 | 33306 | Damon | Stoppelaer
    50089 | 33306 | Phillida | Miss Norsa
    50090 | 33306 | Cymon | M. Stoppelaer
    50091 | 33306 | Mopsus | Mullart
    50092 | 33306 | Cordyon | James
    50093 | 33306 | Arcas | Aston
    50094 | 33306 | Aegeon | Houghton
    Performance: 33307 | 18017 | d | II: Tambourine by Miss Rogers | III: Ballet, as17360417 IV: Sailors (from Orestes) by Glover, &c. V: Hornpipe by Ferguson .
    AsSeeDate: 33307 | cg | d | As | 17360417
    Performance: 33308 | 18017 | s | By Leveridge | hathi.


As17351108, but Polydore-Stoppelaer .


Damon-Stoppelaer; Phillida-Miss Norsa; Cymon-M. Stoppelaer; Mopsus-Mullart; Cordyon-James; Arcas-Aston; Aegeon-Houghton .


Comment: II: Tambourine by Miss Rogers. III: Ballet, as17360417 IV: Sailors (from Orestes) by Glover, &c. V: Hornpipe by Ferguson


Comment: By Leveridge

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