13 October 1686

Event Information
Theatre: Drury Lane Theatre or Dorset Garden Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1684-1685
Volume: 1
Comments: The United Company. This performance is on the L. C. list, 5@147, p. 260: The King & Queene & a box for ye Maydes of Honor. See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 351

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p)?dlordg An Evening's Love; or, The Mock Astrologer. *c)?dlordg The <i>United Company</i>. This performance is on the <i>L. C. list</i>, 5@147, p. 260: The $King= & $Queene= & a box for ye Maydes of Honor. See also <i>Nicoll, Restoration Drama</i>, p. 351.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1686 10 13 dlordg An Evening's Love; or, The Mock Astrologer.*c1686 10 13 dlordg The <i>United Company</i>. This performance is on the <i>L. C. list</i>, 5@147, p. 260: The $King= & $Queene= & a box for ye Maydes of Honor. See also <i>Nicoll, Restoration Drama</i>, p. 351.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 1629 | 16861013 | dlordg | The <i>United Company</i>. This performance is on the <i>L. C. list</i>, 5@147, p. 260: The $King= & $Queene= & a box for ye Maydes of Honor. See also <i>Nicoll, Restoration Drama</i>, p. 351
    Performance: 1634 | 1629 | p | An Evening's Love; Or, The Mock Astrologer


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