02 May 1733

Event Information
Theatre: Drury Lane Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1732-1733
Volume: 3
Comments: Benefit Stoppelaer

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *po?dl The Tender Husband. As 26 Jan., but Clerimont Sr-Mills. *ao?dl Damon And Phillida. See 6 Nov. 1732, but Damon-Stoppelaer; Phillida-Miss Raftor; Cimon-Berry; Mopsus-Mullart. *do?dl I: <i>Drunken Peasant</i>-LeBrun; II: <i>The Watteau</i>-Miss Robinson; V: <i>Les Bergeries</i>-Essex, Haughton, Miss Robinson. *so?dl IV: [A New% Dialogue-Stoppelaer, Miss Raftor [in the Characters of a Town Spark and a CountrY Lass%. *co?dl Benefit $Stoppelaer=.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1733 05 02 dl The Tender Husband. ^As17330126^, but Clerimont Sr-Mills.*a1733 05 02 dl Damon And Phillida. ^See17321106^, but Damon-Stoppelaer; Phillida-Miss Raftor; Cimon-Berry; Mopsus-Mullart.*d1733 05 02 dl I: <i>Drunken Peasant</i>-LeBrun; II: <i>The Watteau</i>-Miss Robinson; V: <i>Les Bergeries</i>-Essex, Haughton, Miss Robinson.*s1733 05 02 dl IV: A New Dialogue-Stoppelaer, Miss Raftor in the Characters of a Town Spark and a CountrY Lass.*c1733 05 02 dl Benefit $Stoppelaer=.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 15599 | 17330502 | dl | Benefit $Stoppelaer=
    Performance: 27537 | 15599 | p | The Tender Husband | As17330126, but Clerimont Sr-Mills.
    AsSeeDate: 27537 | dl | p | As | 17330126
    40123 | 27537 | Clerimont Sr | Mills.
    268321 | 27537 | Clerimont | Roberts
    268322 | 27537 | Captain Clerimont | Wm. Mills
    268323 | 27537 | Sir Harry | Harper
    268324 | 27537 | Humphrey | Miller
    268325 | 27537 | Tipkin | Griffin
    268326 | 27537 | Pounce | Shepard
    268327 | 27537 | Mrs Clerimont | Mrs Horton
    268328 | 27537 | Biddy | Mrs Heron
    268329 | 27537 | Mrs Tipkin | Mrs Shireburn
    268330 | 27537 | Fainlove | Mrs Charke.
    Performance: 27538 | 15599 | a | Damon And Phillida | See17321106, but Damon-Stoppelaer; Phillida-Miss Raftor; Cimon-Berry; Mopsus-Mullart.
    40124 | 27538 | Damon | Stoppelaer
    40125 | 27538 | Phillida | Miss Raftor
    40126 | 27538 | Cimon | Berry
    40127 | 27538 | Mopsus | Mullart.
    Performance: 27539 | 15599 | d | I: <i>Drunken Peasant</i>-LeBrun; II: <i>The Watteau</i>-Miss Robinson; V: <i>Les Bergeries</i>-Essex, Haughton, Miss Robinson
    Performance: 27540 | 15599 | s | IV: A New Dialogue-Stoppelaer, Miss Raftor in the Characters of a Town Spark and a CountrY Lass


As17330126, but Clerimont Sr-Mills.


See17321106, but Damon-Stoppelaer; Phillida-Miss Raftor; Cimon-Berry; Mopsus-Mullart.


Comment: I: Drunken Peasant-LeBrun; II: The Watteau-Miss Robinson; V: Les Bergeries-Essex, Haughton, Miss Robinson


Comment: IV: A New Dialogue-Stoppelaer, Miss Raftor in the Characters of a Town Spark and a CountrY Lass

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