22 November 1684

Event Information
Theatre: Musical Society
Theatrical Season: 1684-1685
Volume: 1
Comments: A Second Musical Entertainment Perform'd on St. Cecilia's day, November XXII. 1684. The Words by the late ingenious Mr John Oldham, Author of the Satyrs Against the Jesuits. Set to Music in two, three, four, and five Parts, by Dr John Blow, Master of the Children, and Organist of His Majesty's Chappel-Royal. [This work was published in 1685.

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p&?ms Concert. *c&?ms A Second Musical Entertainment Perform'd on <i>St. Cecilia's day</i>, November XXII. 1684. The Words by the late ingenious $Mr John Oldham=, Author of the Satyrs Against the $Jesuits=. Set to Music in two, three, four, and five Parts, by $Dr John Blow=, <i>Master of the Children</i>, and Organist of $His Majesty='s <i>Chappel-Royal</i>. [This work was published in 1685.]
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1684 11 22 ms Concert.*c1684 11 22 ms A Second Musical Entertainment Perform'd on <i>St. Cecilia's day</i>, November XXII. 1684. The Words by the late ingenious $Mr John Oldham=, Author of the Satyrs Against the $Jesuits=. Set to Music in two, three, four, and five Parts, by $Dr John Blow=, <i>Master of the Children</i>, and Organist of $His Majesty='s <i>Chappel-Royal</i>. [This work was published in 1685.]
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 1559 | 16841122 | ms | A Second Musical Entertainment Perform'd on <i>St. Cecilia's day</i>, November XXII. 1684. The Words by the late ingenious $Mr John Oldham=, Author of the Satyrs Against the $Jesuits=. Set to Music in two, three, four, and five Parts, by $Dr John Blow=, <i>Master of the Children</i>, and Organist of $His Majesty='s <i>Chappel-Royal</i>. [This work was published in 1685.
    Performance: 1563 | 1559 | p | Concert


Title: Concert
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