29 October 1684

Event Information
Theatre: Whitehall or St. James's
Theatrical Season: 1684-1685
Volume: 1
Comments: On this date a payment was made to the foreign performers who had come in the spring: To Francis Duperier, for the charge and expences of ye French players attending his Majestie at Windsor and Winchester, and returning to London (Moneys Received and Paid for Secret Services, ed. J. Y. Akerman, Camden Society, LII [1851], 93)

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p&?atcourt Comment. *c&?atcourt On this date a payment was made to the foreign performers who had come in the spring: To $Francis Duperier=, for the charge and expences of ye <i>French players</i> attending $his Majestie= at <i>Windsor</i> and <i>Winchester</i>, and returning to <i>London</i> (<i>Moneys Received and Paid for Secret Services</i>, ed. $J. Y. Akerman=, <i>Camden Society</i>, LII [1851], 93).
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1684 10 29 atcourt Comment.*c1684 10 29 atcourt On this date a payment was made to the foreign performers who had come in the spring: To $Francis Duperier=, for the charge and expences of ye <i>French players</i> attending $his Majestie= at <i>Windsor</i> and <i>Winchester</i>, and returning to <i>London</i> (<i>Moneys Received and Paid for Secret Services</i>, ed. $J. Y. Akerman=, <i>Camden Society</i>, LII [1851], 93).
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 1555 | 16841029 | atcourt | On this date a payment was made to the foreign performers who had come in the spring: To $Francis Duperier=, for the charge and expences of ye <i>French players</i> attending $his Majestie= at <i>Windsor</i> and <i>Winchester</i>, and returning to <i>London</i> (<i>Moneys Received and Paid for Secret Services</i>, ed. $J. Y. Akerman=, <i>Camden Society</i>, LII [1851], 93)

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