24 January 1684

Event Information
Theatre: On the River Thames
Theatrical Season: 1682-1683
Volume: 1
Comments: Evelyn, Diary: [On the frozen Thames] There was likewise Bullbaiting, Horse & Coach races, Pupet-plays & interludes...so as it seem'd to be a bacchanalia, Triumph or Carnoval on the Water

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p%?thames Comment. *c%?thames <i>Evelyn, Diary</i>: [On the frozen <i>Thames</i>] There was likewise Bullbaiting, Horse & Coach races, Pupet-plays & interludes...so as it seem'd to be a bacchanalia, Triumph or Carnoval on the Water.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1684 01 24 thames Comment.*c1684 01 24 thames <i>Evelyn, Diary</i>: [On the frozen <i>Thames</i>] There was likewise Bullbaiting, Horse & Coach races, Pupet-plays & interludes...so as it seem'd to be a bacchanalia, Triumph or Carnoval on the Water.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 1534 | 16840124 | thames | <i>Evelyn, Diary</i>: [On the frozen <i>Thames</i>] There was likewise Bullbaiting, Horse & Coach races, Pupet-plays & interludes...so as it seem'd to be a bacchanalia, Triumph or Carnoval on the Water

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