08 June 1731

Event Information
Theatre: Lincoln's Inn Fields
Theatrical Season: 1730-1731
Volume: 3
Comments: DDaily Journal, 8 June: We hear that Part of the Company of Comedians from [lif] will open their Theatre at Richmond the latter End of this Week; and tho' they were well approved of last Season, yet have laid out considerable Sums in new Scenes and Cloaths; and...have strengthened their Company...particularly [with] the pleasant and facetious Mr Hippisley

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *pl?lif Comment. *cl?lif <i>DDaily Journal</i>, 8 June: We hear that Part of the $Company of Comedians= from [<i>lif</i>] will open their Theatre at <i>Richmond</i> the latter End of this Week; and tho' they were well approved of last Season, yet have laid out considerable Sums in new Scenes and Cloaths; and...have strengthened their Company...particularly [with] the pleasant and facetious $Mr Hippisley=.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1731 06 08 lif Comment.*c1731 06 08 lif <i>DDaily Journal</i>, 8 June: We hear that Part of the $Company of Comedians= from [<i>lif</i>] will open their Theatre at <i>Richmond</i> the latter End of this Week; and tho' they were well approved of last Season, yet have laid out considerable Sums in new Scenes and Cloaths; and...have strengthened their Company...particularly [with] the pleasant and facetious $Mr Hippisley=.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 14271 | 17310608 | lif | <i>DDaily Journal</i>, 8 June: We hear that Part of the $Company of Comedians= from [<i>lif</i>] will open their Theatre at <i>Richmond</i> the latter End of this Week; and tho' they were well approved of last Season, yet have laid out considerable Sums in new Scenes and Cloaths; and...have strengthened their Company...particularly [with] the pleasant and facetious $Mr Hippisley=

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