17 December 1679

Event Information
Theatre: Cannon Street
Theatrical Season: 1679-1680
Volume: 1
Comments: This work apparently was not published. It was referred to in Domestick Intelligence, 19 Dec 1679: Acted by Scholars of a Latin School in Cannon Street

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *pqcs The History of Pope Joan; or, A Discovery of the Debaucheries and Villanies of the Popish Faction. *cqcs This work apparently was not published. It was referred to in <i>Domestick Intelligence</i>, 19 Dec 1679: Acted by Scholars of a <i>Latin School</i> in <i>Cannon Street</i>.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1679 12 17 cs The History of Pope Joan; or, A Discovery of the Debaucheries and Villanies of the Popish Faction.*c1679 12 17 cs This work apparently was not published. It was referred to in <i>Domestick Intelligence</i>, 19 Dec 1679: Acted by Scholars of a <i>Latin School</i> in <i>Cannon Street</i>.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 1372 | 16791217 | cs | This work apparently was not published. It was referred to in <i>Domestick Intelligence</i>, 19 Dec 1679: Acted by Scholars of a <i>Latin School</i> in <i>Cannon Street</i>
    Performance: 1376 | 1372 | p | The History Of Pope Joan; Or, A Discovery Of The Debaucheries And Villanies Of The Popish Faction

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