08 July 1661

Event Information
Theatre: Lincoln's Inn Fields
Theatrical Season: 1660-1661
Volume: 1
Comments: At Oxford the players gave The Young Admiral in the morning, The Rape of Lucrece in the afternoon. According to Richard Walden (Io Ruminans, 1662) Anne Gibbs played Rosinda in the former, Lucretia in the latter

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?lif The Siege of Rhodes, Part I?. See 28 June. *c?lif At <i>Oxford</i> the players gave <i>The Young Admiral</i> in the morning, <i>The Rape of Lucrece</i> in the afternoon. According to $Richard Walden= (<i>Io Ruminans</i>, 1662) $Anne Gibbs= played <i>Rosinda</i>r in the former, <i>Lucretia</i>r in the latter.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1661 07 08 lif The Siege of Rhodes, Part I?. ^See16610628^.*c1661 07 08 lif At <i>Oxford</i> the players gave <i>The Young Admiral</i> in the morning, <i>The Rape of Lucrece</i> in the afternoon. According to $Richard Walden= (<i>Io Ruminans</i>, 1662) $Anne Gibbs= played <i>Rosinda</i>r in the former, <i>Lucretia</i>r in the latter.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 126 | 16610708 | lif | At <i>Oxford</i> the players gave <i>The Young Admiral</i> in the morning, <i>The Rape of Lucrece</i> in the afternoon. According to $Richard Walden= (<i>Io Ruminans</i>, 1662) $Anne Gibbs= played <i>Rosinda</i> in the former, <i>Lucretia</i> in the latter
    Performance: 126 | 126 | p | The Siege Of Rhodes, Part I | . See16610628.


. See16610628.
None Listed

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