29 January 1729

Event Information
Theatre: King's Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1728-1729
Volume: 2
Comments: LLa Staffetta Italian or The Italian Post, 30 Jan., has a letter, dated 26 Aug. 1728, concerning music in London

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *piking's Comment. *ciking's <i>LLa Staffetta Italian</i> or <i>The Italian Post</i>, 30 Jan., has a letter, dated 26 Aug. 1728, concerning music in <i>London</i>.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1729 01 29 king's Comment.*c1729 01 29 king's <i>LLa Staffetta Italian</i> or <i>The Italian Post</i>, 30 Jan., has a letter, dated 26 Aug. 1728, concerning music in <i>London</i>.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 12534 | 17290129 | king's | <i>LLa Staffetta Italian</i> or <i>The Italian Post</i>, 30 Jan., has a letter, dated 26 Aug. 1728, concerning music in <i>London</i>

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