20 June 1675

Event Information
Theatre: no theater listed
Theatrical Season: 1674-1675
Volume: 1
Comments: The Bulstrode Papers (I, 302): There is arrived Scaramouchy, ye famous Italien comedian with his crew, to act againe, & are to have ye King's Theatre in Whitehall for their use during their stay, and all people are allowed to come there & see them, playing as they doe at other houses, so yt now a Papist may come to Court for halfe a crowne. This is not much lik'd by our other players, for it will half break both our houses. [See also a Treasury warrant for the importing of their belongings, Calendar of Treasury Books, 1672-1675, p. 757, in Boswell, Restoration Court Stage, p. 121.

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?none Comment. *c?none <i>The Bulstrode Papers</i> (I, 302): There is arrived <i>Scaramouchy</i>, ye famous <i>Italien comedian</i> with his crew, to act againe, & are to have ye <i>King's Theatre</i> in <i>Whitehall</i> for their use during their stay, and all people are allowed to come there & see them, playing as they doe at other houses, so yt now a Papist may come to Court for halfe a crowne. This is not much lik'd by our other players, for it will half break both our houses. [See also a Treasury warrant for the importing of their belongings, <i>Calendar of Treasury Books</i>, 1672-1675, p. 757, in $Boswell=, <i>Restoration Court Stage</i>, p. 121.]
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1675 06 20 none Comment.*c1675 06 20 none <i>The Bulstrode Papers</i> (I, 302): There is arrived <i>Scaramouchy</i>, ye famous <i>Italien comedian</i> with his crew, to act againe, & are to have ye <i>King's Theatre</i> in <i>Whitehall</i> for their use during their stay, and all people are allowed to come there & see them, playing as they doe at other houses, so yt now a Papist may come to Court for halfe a crowne. This is not much lik'd by our other players, for it will half break both our houses. [See also a Treasury warrant for the importing of their belongings, <i>Calendar of Treasury Books</i>, 1672-1675, p. 757, in $Boswell=, <i>Restoration Court Stage</i>, p. 121.]
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 1166 | 16750620 | none | <i>The Bulstrode Papers</i> (I, 302): There is arrived <i>Scaramouchy</i>, ye famous <i>Italien comedian</i> with his crew, to act againe, & are to have ye <i>King's Theatre</i> in <i>Whitehall</i> for their use during their stay, and all people are allowed to come there & see them, playing as they doe at other houses, so yt now a Papist may come to Court for halfe a crowne. This is not much lik'd by our other players, for it will half break both our houses. [See also a Treasury warrant for the importing of their belongings, <i>Calendar of Treasury Books</i>, 1672-1675, p. 757, in $Boswell=, <i>Restoration Court Stage</i>, p. 121.

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