06 December 1673

Event Information
Theatre: Dorset Garden Theatre
Theatrical Season: 1673-1674
Volume: 1
Comments: The Duke's Company. See Duffett's burlesque, above. The Diary of Robert Hooke, 6 Dec. 1673: Saw Empress of Morocco at Duke's Theatre. 1s. 6d. Dutchess of York? there

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *pfdg The Empress of Morocco. [See 3 July 1673.% *cfdg The <i>Duke's Company</i>. See $Duffett='s burlesque, above. <i>The Diary of Robert Hooke</i>, 6 Dec. 1673: Saw <i>Empress of Morocco</i> at <i>Duke's Theatre</i>. 1s. 6d. $Dutchess of York?= there.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1673 12 06 dg The Empress of Morocco. ^See16730703^.*c1673 12 06 dg The <i>Duke's Company</i>. See $Duffett='s burlesque, above. <i>The Diary of Robert Hooke</i>, 6 Dec. 1673: Saw <i>Empress of Morocco</i> at <i>Duke's Theatre</i>. 1s. 6d. $Dutchess of York?= there.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 1055 | 16731206 | dg | The <i>Duke's Company</i>. See $Duffett='s burlesque, above. <i>The Diary of Robert Hooke</i>, 6 Dec. 1673: Saw <i>Empress of Morocco</i> at <i>Duke's Theatre</i>. 1s. 6d. $Dutchess of York?= there
    Performance: 1055 | 1055 | p | The Empress Of Morocco | See16730703.


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