30 November 1724

Event Information
Theatre: Pye Tavern
Theatrical Season: 1724-1725
Volume: 2
Comments: At the Desire of some adjacent Inhabitants. At the Pye Tavern without Aldgate. The most diverting and vivacious Scenes of his Modest Medley

Performance List

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *pb?pt Medley. Tony Aston. *cb?pt At the Desire of some adjacent Inhabitants. At the <i>Pye Tavern</i> without <i>Aldgate</i>. The most diverting and vivacious Scenes of his Modest Medley.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1724 11 30 pt Medley. Tony Aston.*c1724 11 30 pt At the Desire of some adjacent Inhabitants. At the <i>Pye Tavern</i> without <i>Aldgate</i>. The most diverting and vivacious Scenes of his Modest Medley.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 10504 | 17241130 | pt | At the Desire of some adjacent Inhabitants. At the <i>Pye Tavern</i> without <i>Aldgate</i>. The most diverting and vivacious Scenes of his Modest Medley
    Performance: 17408 | 10504 | p | Medley | Tony Aston.


Title: Medley
Tony Aston.
None Listed

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