07 June 1673

Event Information
Theatre: Lincoln's Inn Fields
Theatrical Season: 1671-1672
Volume: 1
Comments: L. C. 5@140, p. 263: It is his Mates pleasure that there shall not bee acted any playes at the Theatre in Lincolnes Inn ffeilds after Midsummer day next ensuring untill further order (see Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 322). The cause of this order is not known

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  • Original Data

    Source: London Stage Information Bank

    *p?lif Comment. *c?lif <i>L. C.</i> 5@140, p. 263: It is $his Mates= pleasure that there shall not bee acted any playes at the <i>Theatre in Lincolnes Inn ffeilds</i> after Midsummer day next ensuring untill further order (see <i>Nicoll, Restoration Drama</i>, p. 322). The cause of this order is not known.
  • Cleaned Data

    *p1673 06 07 lif Comment.*c1673 06 07 lif <i>L. C.</i> 5@140, p. 263: It is $his Mates= pleasure that there shall not bee acted any playes at the <i>Theatre in Lincolnes Inn ffeilds</i> after Midsummer day next ensuring untill further order (see <i>Nicoll, Restoration Drama</i>, p. 322). The cause of this order is not known.
  • Parsed Data

    Event: 1034 | 16730607 | lif | <i>L. C.</i> 5@140, p. 263: It is $his Mates= pleasure that there shall not bee acted any playes at the <i>Theatre in Lincolnes Inn ffeilds</i> after Midsummer day next ensuring untill further order (see <i>Nicoll, Restoration Drama</i>, p. 322). The cause of this order is not known

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